What Is Pay Per Click and How Does It Work?

Improved paid search campaigns can help you expand your business.

According to a Hanapin Marketing study, paid search marketing benefits businesses, in the opinion of 79% of marketers. In order to attract new clients looking for their services, nearly 62 percent of industry companies claimed they would keep increasing their PPC marketing budget in the upcoming years.

More than 7 million marketers spent a combined $10.01 billion on pay-per-click advertisements in 2017, according to Social Media Today. Evidently, pay-per-click has grown to be one of the most popular marketing strategies for improving ROI. But what exactly is pay-per-click, and how can it boost your efforts in digital marketing?

To help you understand the basics of PPC management, Web Globe India’s PPC specialists define sponsored search and describe how it functions. You have a better possibility of launching successful ads by comprehending pay-per-click procedures. Discover everything there is to know about PPC advertising and how our pay-per-click marketing company can assist you in succeeding.

PPC -ppc

What is PPC?

Pay-per-click marketing is a sponsored search strategy used to increase brand recognition, market product offerings, and get quick traction with particular audience segments. Pay-per-click advertising (PPC) relies on marketers only paying when users actually click on their PPC advertisements.

When pay-per-click is mentioned or heard, most people immediately think of Google PPC. Pay-per-click advertising, however, extends beyond the Google Display Network and SERPs. The pay-per-click business model is also used by social networking websites, including Facebook, Pinterest, LinkedIn, and YouTube.

PPC enables advertisers to strategically place ads on a range of online marketing channels, increasing the visibility of their goods and services to their target market. This indicates that the online ads you encounter are pay-per-click ads.

What Are the Different Types of PPC Ads?

Understanding the various PPC marketing campaigns that can help you establish your online presence and market your products to the appropriate demographic is the next step after learning what sponsored search is. The right PPC ads that you can employ to complete your sales funnel are determined in close collaboration with your team by our pay-per-click advertising firm.

Depending on your objectives, different pay-per-click ad formats are available:



Search Ads

In terms of paid search marketing, search advertising is the most prevalent. Prospects who are already searching online for products or services related to your sector or brand see your search advertisements. Short sales cycles or one-time campaign promotions work well with these pay-per-click advertisements. Search advertising is advised by our pay-per-click agency to companies looking to generate solid, high-quality leads from potential new clients.

Display Ads

Display advertising is well-known for reaching more than 90 percent of web visitors. Display ads appear on Google’s partner websites, aimed at those who have previously visited industry-related websites. Display advertising makes the most of graphics and text to attract online consumers’ attention and persuade them to take action. Display advertising is recommended by our pay-per-click advertising agency for businesses with long sales cycles and niche or luxury customers.

Social Ads

The fastest-growing subset of pay-per-click advertising services is social media paid advertising. On social media sites like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter, social advertising is displayed. They have been trained to connect with prospects based on, among other things, their networks, interests, and hobbies. Social media advertising is appropriate for firms with a robust social media following and a niche audience.

Remarketing Ads

One of the finest strategies to quadruple your sales and reach clients who convert well is through remarketing. Remarketing advertisements encourage website visitors to return and convert by reminding them to do so. Remarketing is generally less expensive than search advertising due to decreased competition and highly targeted consumer segments. Our PPC marketing company uses clever PPC ad types and extensions to successfully complete your PPC campaign.

Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping advertisements are appropriate for websites with a lot of products. Prospects can examine the products and pricing on the Google SERP before they ever click into any website thanks to this PPC advertising, which appears in a carousel above or next to the primary Google search results. This means that, provided your target clients have already looked at all of the available products on Google Shopping advertisements, every click you spend has a better probability of converting. For eCommerce companies looking to connect with clients who have a clear intention to buy, our PPC agency suggests Google Shopping.

In-stream Ads

Also known as YouTube ads or in-stream advertisements. These are pay-per-click advertisements that can be seen on YouTube videos, search results, and video partners on the Display Network. YouTube ads give your brand a distinctive and memorable presentation. Facebook just introduced in-stream ads, which let businesses put commercials in the most advantageous spots and create organic interruptions in video content.


We Work With You To Raise More Money Online

While Increasing Your Quality Score

At Web Globe India Internet Marketing Agency, we build your pay-per-click campaign structure, identify your pay-per-click campaign KPIs, and determine your PPC search engine marketing (SEM) goals to increase website traffic and lower PPC management costs.

Your SEO and online marketing initiatives will benefit greatly from the seamless integration of PPC with our pay per click advertising firm. Join forces with our pay per click management company and take advantage of our low-cost PPC advertising solutions.