Social Media Optimization

SMO is the practice of managing and expanding an organization’s online presence and message via the use of social media networks. Social media optimization can be used as a digital marketing tactic to broaden consumer knowledge of new goods and services, build relationships with clients, and counteract potentially harmful news.

*To increase a company’s or organization’s online visibility, a strategy called social media optimization (SMO) is used.
*By connecting businesses with consumers, it can raise awareness of new goods and services.
*Digital marketing can make use of popular social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, TikTok, and Pinterest.

Types of SMO

On site-SMO

The website itself can be expanded with particular social media features, such as:

  • RSS feeds
  • Sharing/ Like buttons
  • User rating about new product/ service
  • Polls
  • Employee engagement initiative etc

Off Site-SMO

Some social media functions operate independently of the website, such as:

  • Blogs
  • Participating in discussions
  • Joining social networks
  • Viral advertising
  • Press Release etc